When looking for a name for a new mission in the second half of the 20th century (as announced by Blavatsky herself - see below), the Masters were looking for someone who was close enough to the best of HPB and at the same time far enough from her worst. Blavatsky remained their best reference, despite the many problems that had occurred with her and the many achievements made with other spokespeople. There were special aspects to the personality of this initiate. After organizing a monumental work that is only paralleled by the work of Helena P. Blavatsky and largely inspired by it, bringing the Keys of Traditional Wisdom and of the planetary transition itself, Luís A. W. Salvi turned to carry out a kind of revision of the “Secret Doctrine” of that Author (see the Series “The Secret Doctrine Revealed”), while his extensive knowledge of astrology and cosmology allowed him to cast a more reliable and up-to-date look at the Stanzas of Dzyan (see “Secret Keys of the Books of Dzyan”) that are at the root of HPB’s main work.
The parallels between the works and lives of Helena P. Blavatsky and Luís A. W. Salvi go far beyond the formal aspects, however. It is important to emphasize that both authors are highly kindred spirits, in fact they are true spiritual twins. Not only do their horoscopes exalt the same main signs ruled by the Sun and the Moon - and which, in addition to representing the summary of Cosmic Harmonies, are also central archetypes or avatars of the New Age and the New Race (according to the traditional premises of balance of opposites studied by Emma de Mascheville) -, but their biographies also find many points in common, as follows:
1. Born into aristocratic or upper middle class families;
2. Born in large Catholic Christian countries, one Orthodox and the other Roman;
3. Born under the same Sun and Ascendant signs related to the prophecies;
4. Born with serious health challenges requiring early self-improvement;
5. Intense relationship with the inner worlds, witnessing spiritual phenomena since childhood;
6. Powerful spiritual and intellectual influence of grandparents in the formation of the young personality of their grandchild;
7. Found their Masters and awakened their spiritual vocation around the age of twenty;
8. Subjected themselves to an early marriage under pressure from their families seeking to restrain their rebellious spirits;
9. Were great travelers interested in ecumenism and universal culture;
10. They were self-taught spirits, while at the same time nurturing a profound respect for the Wisdom Tradition of humanity and its Masters;
11. They were deeply concerned about the fate of their fellow men, making this a foundation for their vocations;
12. They endured personal crises and other serious health problems throughout their lives;
13. They were renunciates and lived for three years or more in ashrams or gompas to refine their spiritual formation;
14. They placed themselves entirely at the service of the Hierarchies to serve on the front line of the planetary transition.
15. They were prolific authors of dozens of dense and inspired works aimed at providing guidance on spiritual Traditions and the planetary future.
Naturally, many of these traits are also present in the biographies of many other great seekers of the Spirit, in terms of precocity, dedication, detachment and determination. The idea of someone being chosen by the Spirit to transmit knowledge is very old, and is the basis of all religions and countless cults. Nevertheless, there is a gradation of missions within this framework, which are also directly related to the preparation that the messenger himself undertakes for this purpose. In this sense, LAWS followed a perfectly regular initiatory path - in every sense of the word -, starting very early to attend spiritual ashrams, and then undergoing successive initiations, based especially on yogic techniques. In comparison, HPB mainly attended spiritualist and ritualistic societies throughout her life.
It would be very easy to assume at first glance that LAWS is a “reincarnation” of HPB, as many would in fact tend to do (considering that several people with much less qualifications have claimed such a status), were it not for some specific issues relating to the nature and mission of each one. In this case it would be more appropriate to speak in strictly spiritual terms of analogies and archetypes, hence the term “spiritual twins” chosen, as a kind of hierogamy. The main personal link that could be made in this case would be in Blavatsky’s own announcement regarding the arrival of a successor of hers “better qualified” in spiritual terms within approximately a century, to continue the revelations of the Secret Doctrine. Let us quote:
“At the (end of) the twentieth century a better informed disciple, with much superior qualities, should be sent by the Masters of Wisdom, to give the final and irrefutable proof that there exists a Secret Science called Gupta-Vidya, the source of all religions and philosophies.” (Helena P. Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine”, Vol. I, Introduction)
It is more than obvious that the symmetries observed throughout this picture are perfectly authentic, natural and spontaneous, so that there is no intention whatsoever to try to force the situation to create false similarities, but rather to obey certain traditional spiritual archetypes, nourished by the urgencies and potentialities of this planetary transition, and corroborated above all by the very content of the fruits of the work of both servants.
To learn more
Four Key Points to be Revisited in Theosophy
2025 and the course correction in the New Era
See also
The Legend of the Kalki Avatar
Maitreya's Mission - The Revelation
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