The mysticism of Kali Yuga represents a great opportunity to study the cycles of humanity and to rescue some of its ancient realities. Here we will deal only with the astrological question, and not with the nature of the cycle except incidentally. Precise knowledge of the cycles contributes to a better understanding of the prophecies and the nature of the times in which we live.
Knowledge is, in fact, light. And one of its challenges is that of facing complex knowledge, as is the case with the various parallel cycles that exist. It is precisely because of this, and a few other complicating factors such as the loss of historical information and the lack of knowledge of certain esoteric keys (such as the Solar Key-360), that the issue of Kali Yuga appears so distorted and challenging in our days - in fact, it has for some time now.
So the problem of Kali Yuga only exists because of the great distortions produced around these issues. Thus, the problem of Kali Yuga, as a flawed knowledge of the facts, is similar to someone who is inattentive and has missed the train, or who has slept during the train stop, ending up lengthening the journey.
According to Blavatsky, the date of 3101 B.C. - related to the death of the Avatar Krishna - has come to represent a reference for Eastern calculations:
“This date is very important, because the epochs were later computed on its basis. The beginning of Kali or Kali-Yuga (derived from Kal, to count), although considered by Europeans as an imaginary date, therefore becomes an astronomical fact.” (“Secret Cycles”)
The term Kali means “black”, although it also has links with Kala or “time” and through this with Kalki, the awaited avatar. When the ancient pandits associated the coming of Krishna with Kali Yuga, they were completely right, because the same myth is now repeated as a prophecy insofar as it associates the awaited Kalki Avatar with the end of Kali Yuga. It turns out that these are avatars of a similar nature, of the nature of solar avatars of transition between races. As Blavatsky said, all races contain the four Metallic Ages, and the Iron Age represents the racial Kali Yuga in the traditional Hindu philosophies of time. Thus, there are common terminologies in parallel cycles, which is one of the reasons for the confusion.
But why is it said that Krishna came to open Kali Yuga, while Kalki comes to close Kali Yuga?! Here we have a first clue to the mistakes that have been accumulated in the interpretation of this topic, revealing an irregular adaptation of information to try to fit otherwise incompatible situations, as we will see better below.
It so happens that the popular imagination has simply combined both racial cycles of Kali Yuga - the ancient Atlantean and the current Aryan - without any solution of continuity, as if all this time since Krishna until now was purely Kali Yuga - under the supposed backdrop of a greater Kali Yuga of manvantara -, when in fact an entire racial cycle has passed since then and the manvantaric Kali Yuga has not even begun. The diagram above shows the Manvantara arc of the Kalpa (Plato's Great Year), illustrating the positions of both racial Kali Yugas, plus the Kali Yuga of Manvantara - see more about this at the end of this article.
The date given by the Hindu tradition of 3102 BC for the death of Krishna is precise and excellent, it corresponds to the beginning of the Aryan race and converges perfectly with the dating of the Mayan tradition for the Fifth Sun. However, the interpretation that other currents have made for Kali Yuga is already vague, confusing and imprecise.
But why did this happen? There are perhaps several reasons, such as:
a. The current tacit ignorance of the nature of the true racial cycles, also called solar Ages, as a kind of knowledge that was long lost, although today we have some references here and there;
b. The practical ignorance about the “great” Kali Yuga of the world Manvantara, especially in the medieval version of 432 thousand years, so that it was mistakenly imagined that Krishna came to open this cycle of the Manvantara, instead of understanding that he came to close a small racial Kali Yuga.
The irrationality of this mysticism of Kali Yuga also appears in the face of the fact that it is known that Krishna did not come that long ago, but rather five thousand years ago according to tradition itself. Hence people appeal to the theory of the “sub-cycles of Kali Yuga”, which is a theory entirely “taken out of the sleeve” since no classical text deals with this. In reality there is a triple mistake here, that is:
a. The Kali Yuga of Manvantara has not actually begun yet; it will begin in the middle of the New Age of Aquarius, since this is already the end of Manvantara - see diagram above;
b. This hypothetical great Kali Yuga of Manvantara also basically represents a symbol or metaphor, since the real manvantaric Kali Yuga takes only a thousand years, as the ancient Vedic calculations demonstrate.
The problem of the Four Kali Yugas
In order to fully understand the imbroglio surrounding the current notion of Kali Yuga, it is necessary to face the problem of the Four Kali Yugas, belonging to two parallel time patterns, which are the Great Manvantara or planetary Round, and the Small Manvantara or Solar or racial Age. It should be noted that our subject only involves cycles present in the immediate historical horizons, so to speak.
In practice, the issue concerns the two Kali Yugas (associated with Krishna and Kalki) present in the last two solar Eras (associated with the Atlantean and Arya races), which represent a cycle that is practically unknown today, but which nevertheless gave us some information about Kali Yuga, but which were inadvertently merged by simple syllogism into another great Kali Yuga of Manvantara with a merely mythical or hypothetical character related to the planetary Round. And to top it off, it also leaves unseen the realistic (and reduced) version of this last Kali Yuga of Manvantara that has not even happened yet.
At the time this knowledge was formulated centuries ago by esoteric tantrics, there was indeed a new Kali Yuga in the world, that of the Arya race. However, the subject was soon confused with the symbolic but very popular version of Kali Yuga disseminated by the Vaishnavas. All this confusion arose entirely in an Eastern environment, integrating its own mystical idiosyncrasy and the erosion of its rich traditional knowledge.
As in so many cases related to cycles and prophecies, the original information is not wrong, but the interpretations are extremely wrong. This is also the case with Kali Yuga. People foolishly imagine that they live in an irrational cycle of hundreds of thousands of years, but that this is nothing more than a mystical veil, when in fact everything is much shorter and more current than they want to imagine. This type of vague consciousness is like a sleep in the face of reality, which is the very sleep of samsara, the world or material consciousness. In any type of realistic calendar, Kali Yuga is never longer than 1,200 years, even in Manvantara. In this aspect, the coming of the Avatar always indicates the end of Kali Yuga, as is said to happen in relation to the announced Kalki Avatar, and never some beginning of an endless Kali Yuga as was imagined in relation to Krishna. Ignoring these facts could be the same as extending Kali Yuga indefinitely due to a lack of attitudes consistent with what the times demand. People should be singing to Kalki today and not to Krishna, because this is the true energy that governs our times.
The forces of light have alerted humanity to the reality of cycles, but ignorance has distorted things in favor of an impotent fatalism. However, in practice, this is still just one of the mistakes that people make against the facts every day. The lack of correct information also reflects complacency and alienation, which can take evasive and deluded forms, as tempting as drugs themselves, even disguised as mystical “sacrament.” Just like fanaticism, attachment and denialism. Often, the choice of false ideas only reflects our complacency, until something very strong ends up awakening people. After all, wise people may seem like great party poopers. But the reality is that life is not an eternal party, not even for the most exalted mystics. Life is a great commitment to the Spirit and to liberation from matter, something that human beings unfortunately do not usually understand spontaneously.
From the work "Scientific Theosophy", by Luís A. W. Salvi
To find out more: (in English)
Have You ever heard of the Kali Yuga fallacy”?!